
1. clash的词源分析


  • 冲突:两种力量、观点、利益等之间的对抗和矛盾。如”文化的clash”、”价值观的clash”。
  • 抗争:为捍卫某种信念或权利而进行的激烈争斗。如”示威者与警察发生了clash”。
  • 不协调:两个事物或概念之间存在矛盾或不一致。如”他的言行存在clash”。

2. clash在语境中的应用

2.1 与物理冲撞相关的用法

  • The two cars clashed at the intersection.
  • The sound of the cymbals clashing filled the room.

2.2 与利益冲突相关的用法

  • The clash between management and workers led to a strike.
  • There was a clash between the two political parties over the new policy.

2.3 与意见分歧相关的用法

  • The clash of opinions during the debate was intense.
  • Her religious beliefs clashed with the school’s policies.

2.4 与行为不协调相关的用法

  • There was a clash between what he said and what he did.
  • The manager’s words and actions often clashed, causing confusion among the staff.

3. clash的常见短语

  • clash of cultures
  • clash of civilizations
  • clash of interests
  • clash of ideologies
  • clash of personalities
  • clash head-on
  • clash with
  • clash of ideas

4. FAQ

Q1: 什么是clash? Clash一词有多种含义,主要指物理上的碰撞、利益或观点的对抗冲突,以及行为和态度的不协调。它可以描述两个事物、观点或行为之间的矛盾或对抗。

Q2: clash有哪些常见用法? Clash常见用法包括:

  • 物理碰撞:”The two cars clashed at the intersection.”- 利益冲突:”The clash between management and workers led to a strike.”- 意见分歧:”The clash of opinions during the debate was intense.”- 行为不协调:”There was a clash between what he said and what he did.” Q3: clash有哪些常见短语? Clash的常见短语包括:clash of cultures、clash of civilizations、clash of interests、clash of ideologies、clash of personalities、clash head-on、clash with、clash of ideas等。这些短语进一步丰富了clash一词的应用场景。

Q4: 如何正确使用clash这个词? 使用clash这个词时,需要结合具体的语境和语义,准确把握其含义。比如在描述物理冲撞时,可以说”The two cars clashed at the intersection”;在描述观点对立时,可以说”There was a clash of opinions during the debate”。关键是要确保clash的用法与所描述的情境相符。

Q5: clash与其他相似词的区别是什么? Clashconflictcontradict等词都有相似的意义,但还是有一些细微差别:

  • Conflict侧重于更激烈、更严重的对抗;Clash则可以指较轻微的分歧或矛盾。
  • Contradict强调两件事物之间存在直接矛盾或冲突;Clash则更广泛地描述观点、利益等之间的不一致。
  • Clash还可以指物理上的碰撞,而conflictcontradict一般不会用于此意。

